Wednesday, January 28, 2009

World War II Nurse in the Hot Tub

Never thought I'd be enjoying a hot tub with a nurse, but last Friday, I did. . .at the county swim center. Yes, talk about physically fit. . .and her buddy said she normally does 44 laps of the pool.

So yours truly, being the social person that I make myself be, decided to get out of the pool while the kids were swimming and enjoy the hot tub, and get better acquainted.

Who is this person? Definitely much older than me, but what a pleasant person, and our conversation took off.

During World War II, Ms. X was an Army nurse stationed in England. The story she shared with me was short, that one of her patients wound up coming home to the U.S.....and they got married.

Apparently he passed away a few years back, leaving her alone in a "mansion" (as her buddy refers to it).

I didn't get a clear sense of where she now lives, but it sounds like the mansion is still around, but that she lives in an assisted living center.

Talk about amazing though. . .doing all those laps.

I encouraged her to write down her wartime experiences, and if unable to, to get someone around her to do it for her.

Will she do it. . .or will her memories evaporate when she passes on?